
Photography Blog

Photo of the month - May 2017

A neighbouring high wall directly opposite this property made photographing the front elevation from the ground practically impossible. Due to the length of this house even with my widest lens I couldn't get far enough back to show the whole width of the house, let alone any of the garage to the side. Begin the head scratching... but fortunately I had an idea. Standing in the neighbours garden (with permission!) I used my 30ft mast to get up and over the wall, and far enough back to show the whole width of the property. An added bonus of the extra height was showing the open aspect and views to the rear of this home.

Another option here this could have been to employ the drone, but the mast ensures the camera can be positioned close to any trees without the risk of collision. 

An 30 ft elevated mast photo of a property in Loxley, Warwickshire, The Midlands

An 30 ft elevated mast photo of a property in Loxley, Warwickshire, The Midlands

Graham Toney